martes, 28 de febrero de 2017



The bees remain in the order of the HIMENOPTEROS, like the wasps and the ants.
Its small, hairy body is divided into three parts: head, chest and abdomen.
 The bees have on their heads the sensory organs that allow them to know what happens to their host.
Through the large compound eyes, they can orientate in their flights and distinguish the colors of the flowers.

In the antennas they possess the sentids of the ear, the smell and the touch, essential when they are in the darkness of the hive. By smell they can recognize their companions and detect their enemies or intruders.
Bees are social insects; This means that they live in a community where each bee plays a determined role, essential for the survival of the colony.
There are three types of bees in a hive:
- a queen, thousands of workers, and very hardworking, and hundreds of drones, plump and lazy.

We will refer directly to the honey bee or Apis mellifica, in the image you can see.


During their life cycle, bees go through four very different stages
+ Egg
+ Larva
+ Nymph
+ Adult
Like butterflies, they undergo a metamorphosis: larvae are very different from adults and their body undergoes very important changes during their development.


The queen puts an egg in a small cavity, called a cell, All eggs look the same, but they can be eggs of two types
+ Fecundated eggs: of which will be born females.
+ Unfertilized eggs: from where males will be born.

At the end of 3 days, the larva is born, which has no wings or legs, and its appearance is that of a small worm.
 The larva grows a lot and eats too much in a short time, it occupies the whole cell.
At this point, she enters the nymph or pupa phase and the workers close the entrance of the cell.
There hidden, begins its incredible transformation little by little his body changes of appearance and it develops the wings and the legs.
Once the metamorphosis is finished, the ADULT bee comes out, completely formed.

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